
In September 2022, Angel launched her first self-published book: non-completion (《肄業》). The book serves as a delayed response to the unanswered questions left in the classroom, haunting Angel ever since her university graduation. Everything first began in note-taking apps and Instagram, but the project has only taken shape when the materiality of printed books gives weight to personal memories and emotions.



作者以「慘綠」和「赤子」兩詞的色調作聯想,寫下年少的脆弱與銳利、疏離與熱情,希望借茲滋養芽肄,尋找來年的新課業。《肄業》收錄共四十四篇,沒有以任何文體作為寫作出發點或目的地的作品,部分曾發表於Instagram (@ambiguity_y),另附四幅彩色插畫。


94pp | 128 x 182mm | blind deboss on cover, digital & offset print, perfect binding | limited edition of 80 copies

Also available at ACO Books, Jisaam Books 貳叄書房 (Yau Ma Tei shop) and ZINE COOP online shop.